Free Printable Self-Care Journal Prompts

Scroll down for the free printable page of self-care journal prompts.

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, taking the time for self-care is essential for maintaining balance and well-being. One powerful tool that can aid in this journey of self-discovery and mindfulness is the practice of self-care journaling using journal prompts.

Journaling prompts are questions or statements designed to guide and inspire your writing, encouraging deep introspection and self-awareness.

Here are some self-care journal prompts for you to use in your own journaling practice. You can download these prompts below.

Self-Care Journal Prompts

  • How do you define self-care?
  • What are some self-care practices that you currently engage in?
  • What are some self-care practices that you would like to start doing?
  • How do you prioritize self-care in your daily routine?
  • What are some self-care practices that you have found particularly helpful in the past?
  • How do you make time for self-care when you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed?
  • How does engaging in self-care make you feel?
  • How do you recharge and refocus when you are feeling drained or burnt out?
  • What are some self-care practices that you have found particularly challenging to incorporate into your routine?
  • How do you practice self-care when you are feeling anxious or depressed?

Free Printable Self-Care Journal Prompts Page

Download free printable Self-Care Journal Prompts page. Just click on the image or text to download to your computer.

These files are for your personal use only and are not to be resold.

If you would like to support me in making more free printables, please feel free to leave a tip here. Thank you.

If you would like to have more journal prompts, check out my Printable Self-Care Journal With Prompts or my Printable Self Care Journal & Affirmation Pack that includes the Journal and a set of Self-Care Affirmation Cards. Both are available in my shop.

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